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Monday, April 29, 2013

Teenage Wasteland: 90's Street Style in the Bronx

90s street style, bronx, wasteland, model, american apparel, gold doc martens, new york fashion, fresh and precious
I done almost forgot I had these pictures. A few weeks back, I was traipsing the snowy streets of the Bronx, with some chick named Madeline. She really is something. 

90s street style, bronx, wasteland, model, american apparel, gold doc martens, new york fashion, fresh and precious
90s street style, bronx, wasteland, model, american apparel, gold doc martens, new york fashion, fresh and precious
Virgin Mary Tee: $35 Urban Outfitters. 

90s street style, bronx, wasteland, model, american apparel, gold doc martens, new york fashion, fresh and precious
Vintage Denim Jacket: $35 Wasteland San Francisco 
90s street style, bronx, wasteland, model, american apparel, gold doc martens, new york fashion, fresh and precious 90s street style, bronx, wasteland, model, american apparel, gold doc martens, new york fashion, fresh and precious
90s street style, bronx, wasteland, model, american apparel, gold doc martens, new york fashion, fresh and precious

Madeline looks just like a Wasteland model with these hip ass metallic sunglasses and neon tobogan. Just add in the gold Doc Martens and BAM....Wasteland model. 

90s street style, bronx, wasteland, model, american apparel, gold doc martens, new york fashion, fresh and precious
90s street style, bronx, wasteland, model, american apparel, gold doc martens, new york fashion, fresh and precious
90s street style, bronx, wasteland, model, american apparel, gold doc martens, new york fashion, fresh and precious
Wasteland is the prime example of what is on trend at the moment. Dabble in their coolness.
90s street style, bronx, wasteland, model, american apparel, gold doc martens, new york fashion, fresh and precious

Lucky for me, Madeline has sort of been my number one muse over the past couple of years. This one has true freaking talent and we cant wait to see what she does next. 

Because we're obsessed. 

Fresh and Precious 

90s street style, bronx, wasteland, model, american apparel, gold doc martens, new york fashion, fresh and precious

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Back to the Futuristic Fashion: Wisdom from another planet.

This beautiful and strange creature just came down from his time machine from a planet certainly far away. His mission was simple: to take over the people of this "Planet Earth."

Now, this talented specimen was just that. Full of talent, knowledge, wit, and style, this visitor had every skill possible to take the minds of "mankind." And he was about to do it. His hands were armored in sculptures of beauty, each full of secret powers....ready for battle.
His home...this foreign planet, light years away, was also home to masterminds of forward thinking. But brute and anger were natural to their inhabitants. 
They always win, after all. 
This must be the best way to conquer "Planet Earth"
 So, used his talents, he did. 

So used his talents, he did. Armed and ready for any encounter. 
With a swift movement the mastermind was in front of his first rendezvous- a great tower in the sky.
The deepest wounds are closest to the heart. It was time to inflict the first blow. 
All of a sudden something happened. As soon as it felt right, something felt terribly wrong. With a split second of change of heart, color instantly filled the trees, the clouds, and the sky.
Blinded by the beauty of the far away color, 
our visitor almost missed the message that appeared before him. 
Maybe the sword he brought was not the best way to win the minds of mankind.
So he thought....
and he thought. 
How could he be so blinded so quickly?
 The lens he had on was all wrong- but he knew all along! For he learned these lessons light-years ago. With all of the years gone by, and great mountains of adventure, he had somehow forgotten.
 But how easy to remember?
Then "The Enlightened One" appeared...
to enlighten, we're sure. 
He must have heard something. 
Quite quickly, we find that this beautiful creature was sent to the "Planet Earth" for a reason.
 To teach us new lessons and to remind others of the things we all know but have also forgot.
To take over this Planet Earth, its much better to blind them with color
than come in deep from the heart. 
And he does it all in a bolo tie.  How fortunate we are to have him, this beautiful creature of style. 
"It is better to conquer yourself, than to win a thousand battles." -Buddha

Because we're obsessed. 

Fresh and Precious 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Little House on the Prairie: Take Two

m- Billie and I had such a blast styling Sabrina and Savannah the other day. The past couple of months, I've been hunting high and low, across backwoods America, for cool vintage pieces. When you venture off the highway and deep into the frontier, you find some interesting finds. We live in America, ya'll and there is no better evidence of our roots in our dress in the past. We obviously wanted to coincide with our farm surroundings with the outfits today and dressed the girls appropriately. 
So take a gander, y'all. 

Bam, bam, thank you ma'am. This hat and Sabrina were made for each other. Sabrina is rocking everything from the closet of Billie Jolene and I love the way Billie styled this look. The necklace under the blue collar did it for me. The hat was everything. 

We jumped back in Courtney's sister, Michelle's jeep and took further into the farm. 

Both of these insanely intricate shirts are from Lucky Strike Vintage in Raleigh, NC. Lucky Strike constantly brings in phenomenal pieces...this has been detrimental to my bank account....but worth it. Both Sabrina and Savannah's shirts don an animal on the chest. 
Roosters and velvet Cowboys. Details of denim, horseshoes, and lassos. Yee-haw. 
Billie had these vintage skirts at home and they couldn't be more perfect for what we had going on today. THESE SKIRTS. So amazing. And fer sale. 

This shirt, too, is from Lucky Strike Vintage. I found all three of these at separate times and I now will be starting a collection. They make me so happy. I mean an eagle, rooster and a cowboy? Yeah ok. 

So thats, it folks. A great day on the farm with my southern gals. God bless America. 

Because we're obsessed. 

Fresh and Precious 

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