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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Spring Style in the South

what to wear to a dinner party, american fashion, american apparel, mens fashion, mens street style, american prep, fresh and precious
m- The past couple of weeks I've had the wonderful pleasure to sit my ass down for a minute. It has been sufficiently refreshing. Coming home to Raleigh, North Carolina has always had its ups and downs but this time around, it was nothing but ups. Joining me on this refresh, are my old Raleigh friends from High School and before. There really is nothing better than being home with old friends and enjoying life for a little while. With the weather being more than perfect lately, we have been enjoying it well. 
It all started with mimosas. Amy and I had a religious experience with bottomless mimosas in SF a few months ago and there has been no turning back. Every day has turned into mid-day mimosa day and there have been no complaints from the peanut gallery.
Mimosas lead to dinner nights. Wine and grilled goodness. We know how to do it. 
With good food comes good company:
what to wear to a dinner party, american fashion, american apparel, mens fashion, mens street style, american prep, fresh and precious
Katie: Hostess and chef. Katie always serves us a big ole plate of hospitality and
 usually does it in a cute spring dress. 
what to wear to a dinner party, american fashion, american apparel, mens fashion, mens street style, american prep, fresh and precious
Amy: Provider of entertainment. She's a good time folks.
 And she has a great card game for after dinner. 
what to wear to a dinner party, american fashion, american apparel, mens fashion, mens street style, american prep, fresh and precious
Harrison: Makes sure the wine glass stays full and the person plays their hand in cards.
what to wear to a dinner party, american fashion, american apparel, mens fashion, mens street style, american prep, fresh and precious
Sara: Also provider of entertainment. Sara keeps us smiling and is always dressed dapper and fresh.
what to wear to a dinner party, american fashion, american apparel, mens fashion, mens street style, american prep, fresh and precious
Lucy is a frequent guest to our gatherings. She is ALWAYS fresh and precious. 
Pictures of her soon. 
what to wear to a dinner party, american fashion, american apparel, mens fashion, mens street style, american prep, fresh and precious
Ya know.
Tessie keeps us on our feet. 
what to wear to a dinner party, american fashion, american apparel, mens fashion, mens street style, american prep, fresh and precious
I've mentioned many times before that this crew is the perfect representation of classic American sportswear. Every time I walk into Katie's house, these guys look like they are out of a Tommy Hilfiger/ J Crew ad. I have so much fun going over to their house because I can dabble in preppy (but classic) attire. Harrison and Sara definitely have been contributors to my recent love for classic, menswear. 
Check out an old post showcasing their love of sportswear. Click here. 
what to wear to a dinner party, american fashion, american apparel, mens fashion, mens street style, american prep, fresh and precious
I scored these wonderful vintage military shorts (right) at the Lucky Strike Boutique in downtown Raleigh and paired them with my staple denim shirt from American Apparel. My brown boots have sort of a combat feel when worn with shorts. Especially these military shorts. 
what to wear to a dinner party, american fashion, american apparel, mens fashion, mens street style, american prep, fresh and precious
what to wear to a dinner party, american fashion, american apparel, mens fashion, mens street style, american prep, fresh and precious
I always love to see what Sara has on when I meet up with the crew. Of course I love what Harrison brings to the table with his quirky socks and classic colors but Sara has this new found look that is really working for her. Harrison and Sara are like....fresh and precious, you know?
what to wear to a dinner party, american fashion, american apparel, mens fashion, mens street style, american prep, fresh and precious
what to wear to a dinner party, american fashion, american apparel, mens fashion, mens street style, american prep, fresh and precious what to wear to a dinner party, american fashion, american apparel, mens fashion, mens street style, american prep, fresh and precious
See what I mean by classic America? When it works it works. Bowties, short shorts, and polos. 
If it aint broke, dont fix it. 
what to wear to a dinner party, american fashion, american apparel, mens fashion, mens street style, american prep, fresh and precious what to wear to a dinner party, american fashion, american apparel, mens fashion, mens street style, american prep, fresh and precious
Im obsessed with this shirt on the left. Obsessed. Trying to have it Sara...The black and white stripes with red detail....yum. Whats black and white and red all over?
We eat some food, y'all. 

Thank you for a great time, my stylish friends. I think we do America justice. 
God bless America and pour me another mimosa. 

Because we're obsessed.

Fresh and Precious

what to wear to a dinner party, american fashion, american apparel, mens fashion, mens street style, american prep, fresh and precious

1 comment:

  1. Sara looks bad, maybe cause she's wearing clothes cut for men. Not that men should dress like that either though. Please buy a real pair of shoes.

    Everyone else just looks like average dorks.
