m- The city and I have had a pretty emotional relationship over the past couple of years. I either want to take the streets by storm, or take the next boat of that godforsaken island. Today, however, we are talking. This year I turned uncomfortably old and there was no way I was spending this early mid-life crisis anywhere that wouldn't intoxicate my elderly body accordingly.
So, New York it was.
So, New York it was.
My recent traveling schedule has harvested some interesting habits along the road. Specifically, I have trained myself to envision a nice, crisp brew at the end of my travel. I picture the pint glass in my hand, the bubbling hops tickling my senses, and BAM I am at my destination. This time I awoke from my imaginary bliss at the Clock Tower Bar in the lower Bronx, awaiting my girl Madeline.
Snow Falling outside...and beer in hand.
Snow Falling outside...and beer in hand.
To no one's surprise, Madeline and I immediately threw on some layers to hit the shops. I was all kinds of obsessed with the ensemble Madeline and I put together for our snowy Brooklyn shopping adventure. Shades of purple, red, and brown? Green and yellow accents? Yes please. Madeline found these pants at Edge of Urge in Wilmington and they were the root of this beautiful ensemble of new color combination.
And we shopped. Madeline and I hit the vintage in Brooklyn this afternoon so naturally, I was floating through a magical state of happiness evoked by thrifting....in Brooklyn and Soho no less. Madeline found this life-changing purple jacked at Beacon's Closet and I cant even look at it without dying. The SHAPE of this guy. WOW. And the Doc Martens we have on....purple, brown, ox blood, and gold. Oh my.
Manhattan was covered with a lovely sheet of snow on my first day gallivanting the streets. It really was a nice touch New York. One point the city.
Jacket and sun glasses found at American Apparel DC and SF.
Jacket and sun glasses found at American Apparel DC and SF.
When you come to visit, the dinner table is, naturally, the commonplace for reunion. I always have an agenda full of lunch, dinner, and brunch dates when traveling but to good food and good company, I do not have a single complaint. Every time I'm in the City, I must must must get down to the Cafeteria for some glorious grub. Open 24 hours...and chock-full of beautiful homosexuals, this eat-spot truly couldn't be a more perfect match for my appetite.
So, I ate.
...and ate.
And ate some more. Friday night, I was SO lucky to meet up with some beautiful ladies from my Obama campaign trails. Elyse and Sarah are perfect examples of perfect people. Just, take my word for it. I am so lucky to be friends with such intelligent, driven, and awesome people. I had such a treat seeing these two. Love you both!
After some fantastic Thai in Soho, I ventured to 32nd to see my Barcelona babes. I really am so lucky to have gems of human beings across the world. If these two could make the concrete jungle seem at home, then I am definitely picking them right.
They just get it.
The three of us have celebrated life on the streets of Barcelona, the coasts of Portugal, and the bars of Manhattan. I am so not worthy of these two, but I will so hold on to them as long as they'll let me!
Mollie and Dakota just make me smile...and friends like that are the best friends.
Birthday love in stripes and plaid.
So many adventures behind us, and so many more in front.
After an attempt to suppress my birthday hangover, fittingly with a margarita, I strapped on my big-kid boots, took a few selfies, and hit the streets. I was newly 23 today and I wanted to see what the world looked like in this new lens.

Scored this military inspired sweater from Topman in Soho. Topshop and American Apparel are my two stores of choice. After Goodwill, naturally.
On my birthday walk, I found myself sitting on the pier in Brooklyn, looking at the skyline before me. I was nostalgic during these moments on the water, but these two French fashionistos brought me back to reality. Im obsessed with this couple's choice of hats and wide-leg pants. So French. Brings me back to Paris.
So, I walked and I walked. Passed some friends in Times Square and kept walking. Forest Gump style...no end in sight.
As I ended my walk of elder nostalgia, I got a call from my brother from the Obama Campaign about an art show at Pier 92. I quickly jumped across the island to see my friend from DC whilst enjoying the art. It was so great to see my friend Frankie, but my time in the city had already come to an end.
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But as I packed my things, I realized I had not enough pictures of Madeline. If you know our friendship, this is a legitimate issue worth immediate attention. Therefore, we hit the roof.
Camera ready. Nothing like a rooftop photo shoot in the Bronx. I wore Madeline's purple Doc Martens, and a lovely Virgin Mary tee from Urban Outfitters.
Goodbye New York. Call me maybe?
By some twist of fate, Madeline and I went over our photo shoot time....which meant I went over my metro time....which meant I went over my flight time. And there I sat...on 88th in Brooklyn, as my plane back to Raleigh flew above.
Tragedy? I think not. Time to play with Haley in Brooklyn instead! This perfect little lady was my partner in crime for some time at UNCW and now waits in Brooklyn until friends like me are stranded and need a place to live! Sleepover!
You won this time, New York. I tried to make things work...to make amends, but you won again.
Till next time, Manhattan.
Because we're obsessed.
Fresh and Precious